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    Prose that Every Child Should Know : a Selection of the Best Prose of all Times for Young People / decorated with photographs by Eve Watson Schutze ; edited by Mary E. Burt. - New York : Doubleday, Page & Company, 1908. - 365 p. : il. ; 20 см. - (В пер.) : 0.72 р.
Содержание (нажмите, чтобы раскрыть):

Witt, Talmage T. The Influence of a Clean Face / Talmage T. Witt
Washington, G. What Every Little Child Should Know About Politeness / G. Washington
Adams, J. On "Salt, at the Time of the American Revolution" / J. Adams
Ruskin, J. The Patience of Flowers in Being Squeezed / J. Ruskin
Aristotle. A Poor Reward / Aristotle
Fenelon. The Largest Love / Fenelon
Sandy and Pipa
Guerin, E. de A Bird's Voice / E. de Guerin
Lanier, S. Cold / S. Lanier
Collodi, C. The Oily Driver / C. Collodi
The Lord is My Shepherd
Lincoln, A. The Black Hawk War / A. Lincoln
The Beatitudes
Johnstone. A Little Lecture for a Little Girl / Johnstone
Guerin, E. de A Child Can Be Just / E. de Guerin
Zeno. Virtue, Its Own Reward / Zeno
Burroughs, J. The Crow / J. Burroughs
Collodi, C. The Country of Playthings / C. Collodi
Remember Thy Creator
Collodi, C. Tom Brown Goes to Rugby / C. Collodi
Kingsley, C. Under the Flapdoodle Trees / C. Kingsley
Collodi, C. The Little Wooden Puppet Tells How He Became a Donkey / C. Collodi
Aesop. The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg / Aesop
Franklin, B. The Whistle / B. Franklin
Custer, E. B. All Around a Bird's Nest / E. B. Custer
Chapman, F. M. Protect the Birds / F. M. Chapman
Stockton, F. R. The Donkey-Clock / F. R. Stockton
Homer. The Lotus-Eaters / Homer
Burroughs, J. The Perils of a Bird / J. Burroughs
Franklin, B. Turning the Grindstone / B. Franklin
Barrie, J. M. Peter Pan Among the Birds / J. M. Barrie
Livy. Virginius, as Tribune, Refuses the Appeal of Appius Claudius / Livy
Hugo, V. The Street Arab of Paris / V. Hugo
Horace. The Country Mouse and the City Mouse / Horace
Dewey, O. Nobility of Labor / O. Dewey
Guerin, E. de Cleansing the Fountain / E. de Guerin
Amicis, E. de My Brother's Schoolmistress / E. de Amicis
Webster, D. The Fourth of July / D. Webster
Grant, U. S. A Lincoln Story / U. S. Grant
Adams, B. Protect the Trees / B. Adams
Karr, A. What Is Property? / A. Karr
More, T. Hunting in Utopia / T. More
Smith, S. The Folly of Pride / S. Smith
Stockton, F. R. The Little Rose-Clock / F. R. Stockton
Webster, D. The Love of Home / D. Webster
Shakespeare, W. Cassio on Intemperance / W. Shakespeare
Lytton, L. Earnestness / L. Lytton
Judson, L. C. Saying Too Much / L. C. Judson
Homer. Ulysses at the Home of Circe / Homer
Amicis, E. de The School / E. de Amicis
Burroughs, J. The Perils of a Bee / J. Burroughs
Roosevelt, T. Peace and Righteousness / T. Roosevelt
Phillips, C. Character of Washington / C. Phillips
Smith, S. Taxes, the Price of Glory / S. Smith
Bancroft, G. The Revolutionary Alarm / G. Bancroft
The Ten Commandments
Addison, J. Sir Roger and the Gipsies / J. Addison
Cervantes. The Slaying of the Wine-Bags / Cervantes
Channing, W. E. The True Distinction of a State / W. E. Channing
Amicis, E. de The Poor / E. de Amicis
Demosthenes. Against Philip / Demosthenes
Washington, G. On Profanity in the Army / G. Washington
Warner, C. D. No Farming Without a Boy / C. D. Warner
Gilder, J. L. Putting All of the Eggs in One Basket / J. L. Gilder
Ruskin, J. Great Art is the Expression of a Great Man / J. Ruskin
Burroughs, J. The Eagle / J. Burroughs
Cable, G. W. A Southern Storm / G. W. Cable
Custer, E. B. The Blizzard / E. B. Custer
Muir, J. A Wind-Storm in the Forests of California / J. Muir
Lanier, S. My Alligator's Home / S. Lanier
Markham, E. Our Poets Have Discovered America / E. Markham
Stockton, F. R. How the Griffin Taught School / F. R. Stockton
Irwing, W. The Phantom-Ship / W. Irwing
Addison, J. Address of Black Hawk to General Street / J. Addison
Addison, J. Frozen Words / J. Addison
Adams, J. Q. The Declaration of 1776 / J. Q. Adams
Barre, C. I. The Right of Trial / C. I. Barre
Channing, W. E. Every Man is Great / W. E. Channing
Choate, R. The Birthday of Washington / R. Choate
Rainsford, W. S. The Vital Touch in Life / W. S. Rainsford
Paley, W. Monopoly / W. Paley
Curtis, G. W. My Castles in Spain / G. W. Curtis
Goldsmith, O. Vanity at the Vicar's / O. Goldsmith
Lamb, C. Bo-Bo and the Roast Pig / C. Lamb
Cable, G. W. The Independence of Bras Coupe / G. W. Cable
Custer, E. B. Reference for Motherhood / E. B. Custer
Everett, E. What Good Will the Monument Do? / E. Everett
Pitt, W. Barbarism of Our British Ancestors / W. Pitt
Ascham, R. Quick Wits / R. Ascham
Rainsford, W. S. Appeal to the Best in Men / W. S. Rainsford
Sumner, C. The Duel of Nations / C. Sumner
Jefferson, T. The Deckaration of Independence / T. Jefferson
Pitt, W. America Unconquerable / W. Pitt
Ames, F. The Sanctity of Treaties / F. Ames
Garrison, W. L. Abolition / W. L. Garrison
Kingsley, C. Examination Day in the Land of the Tomtoddies / C. Kingsley
Stevens. A Russian Bath / Stevens
Karr, A. The Stream That Was Made to Work / A. Karr
Milton, J. On His Blindness / J. Milton
Holland, J. G. Truth and Truthfulness / J. G. Holland
Winslow, H. Treatment of Sisters / H. Winslow
Lincoln, A. Suspicion / A. Lincoln
Burton, J. E. The Old Trail to the Mother-Lode / J. E. Burton
Brougham, L. The Schoolmaster Is Abroad / L. Brougham
Livingston, R. R. Aristocracy / R. R. Livingston
Mirabeau, C. de Eulogium on Franklin / C. de Mirabeau
Everett, E. Imperishability of Great Examples / E. Everett
Bray, C. Reverence / C. Bray
Yates, R. Separatoin from New England / R. Yates
Fox, C. J. A Political Pause / C. J. Fox
Henry, P. An Appeal to Arms / P. Henry
Henry, P. The War is Inevitable / P. Henry
Pitt, W. Against Employing Indians in War / W. Pitt
Quincy, J. British Aggressions / J. Quincy
The Constitution of the United States
Curtis, G. W. As Others See Us / G. W. Curtis
Kingsley, C. Prophesying After the Event / C. Kingsley
Moore, J. T. The Model Cotton Mill / J. T. Moore
Milton, J. Vindication of the Press / J. Milton
Franklin, B. Abraham and the Fire-Worshippers / B. Franklin
Marcus, Aurelius Antoninus. Contentment / Aurelius Antoninus Marcus
Gilder, R. W. The Gift of Eloquence / R. W. Gilder
Lincoln, A. Address at Gettysburg / A. Lincoln
Ingersoll, R. G. On Abraham Lincoln / R. G. Ingersoll
Burke, E. American Naxation / E. Burke
Burke, E. England's Right to Tax America / E. Burke
Calhoun, J. C. A Sufficient Naval Force / J. C. Calhoun
Clay, H. The Noblest Public Virtue / H. Clay
Henry, P. Return of British Fugitives / P. Henry
Pitt, W. The First Step to Reconciliation with America / W. Pitt
Quincy, J. Against the Embargo / J. Quincy
Flint, T. The North American Indians / T. Flint
Smith, S. Rejection of the Reform Bill / S. Smith
Wolfe, G. To the Army Before Quebec / G. Wolfe
Lanier, S. The First Home / S. Lanier
Carlyle, T. Clap a Bridle on Thy Tongue / T. Carlyle
Tillotson, J. Sincerity / J. Tillotson
The Life of a Father Bee
Browning, R. The Autocracy of Youth and the Modesty of Age / R. Browning
Henderson, C. H. Good-Breeding / C. H. Henderson
Mabie, H. W. The Passion for Perfection / H. W. Mabie
Moore, J. T. Running Business on the Golden Ruke / J. T. Moore
Lincoln, A. The Bixby Letter / A. Lincoln
Johnson, S. Letter to Lord Chesterfield / S. Johnson
Kellogg, E. Spartacus to the Gladiators / E. Kellogg
Grattan, H. The Character of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham / H. Grattan
Shakespeare, W. Brutus' Speech on the Death of Caesar / W. Shakespeare
Emerson, R. W. A Man Passes for That He is Worth / R. W. Emerson
Irwing, W. The Home-Coming of Rip Van Winkle / W. Irwing
Adams, H. The Hebrew Nationality / H. Adams
Emerson, R. W. Emancipation of Negroes in the British West Indies / R. W. Emerson
Ruskin, J. Men, Better than Territory / J. Ruskin
Washington, G. France and the United States / G. Washington
Demosthenes. On Meidias, the Rich, at the Bar of Justice / Demosthenes
Amicis, E. de The Evening School / E. de Amicis
Henry Clay's Reception in Baltimore
Ruskin, J. The Freedom of the Fly / J. Ruskin
Washington, G. The Gentleman / G. Washington
Emerson, R. W. Self-Reliance / R. W. Emerson
Webster, D. Union and Liberty, One and Inseparable / D. Webster
Emerson, R. W. Compensation / R. W. Emerson
Amicis, E. de How to Welcome the Schoolmate from a Foreign Land / E. de Amicis
Ruskin, J. Sensitiveness / J. Ruskin
Emerson, R. W. A Friend / R. W. Emerson
Homer. Elpenor and the Wine-Cup / Homer
Restricted Property
Webster, D. John Adams' Speech on the Declarationof Independence, as Imagined by Daniel Webster / D. Webster
Washington, G. To the American Troops Before the Battle of Long Island / G. Washington
Wilson, H. Nothern Labourers / H. Wilson
Thoreau, H. D. High Life / H. D. Thoreau
Webster, D. On Sudden Political Conversations / D. Webster
Plato. Defence of Socrates / Plato
Plato. The Speech of Socrates on His Own Condemnation / Plato
Plato. Death of Socrates / Plato
Demosthenes. Not Vanquished by Philip / Demosthenes
Demosthenes. On the Law of Leptines / Demosthenes
Curtius, Q. Speech of a Scythian to Alexander / Q. Curtius
Sallust. Caius Marius to the Romans, on the Objections to Making Him General / Sallust
The Particular Lady
Ruskin, J. Humility Versus Vain Glory / J. Ruskin
Ruskin, J. What a Great Nation Cannot Do / J. Ruskin
Brougham, L. The Fate of the Reformer / L. Brougham
Everett, E. Voyage of the Mayflower / E. Everett
Everett, E. Rights to the Indians Defended / E. Everett
Burke, E. On Conciliation with America / E. Burke
Pitt, W. The American War Denounced / W. Pitt
Grattan, H. National Gratitude / H. Grattan
Hayne, R. Y. The South During the Revolution / R. Y. Hayne
Calhoun, J. C. Against the Force Bill / J. C. Calhoun
Naylor, C. C. American Labourers / C. C. Naylor
Channing, W. E. The Free Mind / W. E. Channing
Bayard, J. A. Gudges Should be Free / J. A. Bayard
McEnery, Stuart R. Sonny's Diploma / Stuart R. McEnery
Lamb, C. On Rising With the Lark / C. Lamb
Dyke, H. van Creative Education / H. van Dyke
Froebel, F. Conscious Activity / F. Froebel
Macaulay, T. B. Men Always Fit for Freedom / T. B. Macaulay
Moore, J. T. The Rights of Childhood / J. T. Moore
Lanier, S. Silence / S. Lanier
Marcus, Aurelius Antoninus. Opinion / Aurelius Antoninus Marcus
Knowles, J. S. Croosing the Rubicon / J. S. Knowles
Webster, D. Peaceable Secession / D. Webster
Pulteney, W. On Reducing the Army / W. Pulteney
Washington, G. Against Foreign Entanglemets / G. Washington
Fox, C. J. The Foreign Policy of Washington / C. J. Fox
Grattan, H. Sectarian Tyranny / H. Grattan
Hugo, V. A Republic or a Monarchy? / V. Hugo
Eliot, G. Mr. Tulliver's Opinion of His Wife and Children / G. Eliot
Gougar, K. Do Men Merit Franchise? / K. Gougar
Byron, L. The Death Penalty for New Offences / L. Byron
Burt, T. Labour Struggles / T. Burt
Cleveland, G. Trusts / G. Cleveland
Bryan, W. J. The Real Business Man / W. J. Bryan
Rosebery, L. Queen Victoria / L. Rosebery
Parsons, F. Old-Age Pensions / F. Parsons
Markham, E. Spinners in the Dark / E. Markham
Roosevelt, T. The Puritans / T. Roosevelt
Salter, W. M. Morality The Essence of Life / W. M. Salter

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Burt, Mary E. \ed.\; Schutze, Watson \ill.\
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